Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cutting out a Zizsaw Puzzel

Well today I worked on part of the entablature that goes around the courtroom in Roberts County. The part at the top of the picture is the part that we had put together using pieces we found in the box of pieces.(see” Hay look they fit together”r) We filled in the missing pieces using clay and then made a rubber mold. Then Ken in our shop started casting plaster pieces. I then cut pieces out of them and started piecing it together.

I drew some lines on the plywood base to represent where the balls or berries should be. This allows the correct placement of the pieces. As I cut out the pieces I’m having some trouble maintaining the correct curvature. The piece is not really round it is oval and the curvatures change. This has created a bit of trouble.

I will continue placing the pieces and will start filling in the cracks or joints and carving out the areas where I could not get the pieces to line up. It is tedious and in fact I think I could carve it out faster but this way it is more the original work and less my creation. In a few days I will have the model done.

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